Level 1-2 Trapeze

For many people, when they here the word “circus” trapeze is the first image that comes to mind.   But let’s set the record straight here: what you see in the circus tents is generally FLYING TRAPEZE, and we do at our studio is called STATIC TRAPEZE.  Static Trapeze is super cool and very exhilarating, but we do not release from the bars and sail through the air (that requires a whole different setup).  We use the bar and ropes for various poses, balances, rolls, and beats.

In each Level 1-2 trapeze class, we will spotlight and break down a couple fundamental trapeze moves and incorporate those skills into a sequence to practice those transitions.  The class structure includes a yoga based warm-up, followed by technique drills, followed by the sequence of the day.  Here is a video of one of our instructors demonstrating a  Here’s a video of a Beginner Trapeze Sequence.

Prerequisites: Students should have completed our Intro Series prior to taking this class or have permission of the instructor.  This is class is not intended for individuals who have never taken an aerial class.

Level 1 Trapeze Skills:  Kneehang, Kneebeat, Angel, Lion, Dragonfly, Star/Gazelle to Hiphang, Standing Balances (to Gazelle), Arabesque, The Susan, Firepole, Arrow poses, Straddleback, Birdcage, Scissor Roll, Leanna, Crescent Moon, Mermaid to Secretary, Half Mill, Front Balance (to Angel), Catchers, Pop-0n (double or single leg), Rock & Roll, Anklehang, Basket Mount, Straddle Mount, Tuck ups, Long hang beat

Level 2 Trapeze Skills: Gazelle Drop down, Lion Dropdown, Seahorse (Ferne Special), Seahorse to Hiphang, Backbalance, Poptart, Straddleback Roll, Scissor Roll, Mermaid Spin (aka Around the World), Superman, Footflags, Basic Marionette entrance, Winddown to Candlestick, Kneehang in the Ropes, 1/2 Russian Roll (variations), Horse Circles, Alien Splits, Coffin (to lion) Drop back to Birdcage, Teddybear Slide, Long hang beat to Basket, Single Kneehang, Popup beats (from Crucifix), Lever up (side single knee hang to seated), Wedge to Standing, Russian roll prep, Hip Circle prep