Level 3 Silks

This class gets into the heart of silks training with complex wraps and longer sequences. The ability to properly invert in the air is essential.  Working in different body orientations, and learning “silks theory” is confusing at first, but it allows for creation and choreography.  Here’s an example of a drop at this level: Pencil Drop

Prerequisites: Completion of all Level 2 skills with good form

Example Skills: 

  • Straddle Climb, CASH Climb, Teardrop Climb, Fancy Russian Climb, Angel Drop, Double Brazilian drop, 360, Double Back Dive, Spy Kids, Florida Belay sequence, Man in the Moon from Hipkey, S-lock Split/Airplane, LMNH, Belay Sequences, All the Star Drops, Pencil Drops, Tornado Spin, Unwrapped Salto, Sailboat, Loopy Splits, Fan, Single Leg Windmill, Crucifix to Knees, Catchers Slide through (arm), Ankle Hang Surprise, Alternate Entrances to all the things